Task: Design Research Project focussing on the Usage of News Consumption of the Young Elite (25 - 49 y) in cooperation with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Approach: The news usage of the young elite will be highly effected by the mega trends in the next years, so we did 5 qualitative Interviews and used 10 different Tasks and conducted 273 Minutes of recording. We analyzed the interviews and realized that we should focus on the Megatrends Individualization, Attention Economy and Connected World. Storyboards and Empathy Picturing helped to visualize the information and context of the interviewees for the client.
Result: Building a Mobile Application which focusses on the Megatrends
Individualization (Audio Playlist, Intelligent Algorithm, Individual subscription, Swipe your news)
Attention Economy (Reward System, Supportive educational function, Overview section,
F.A.Z. Talks, News Shot)
Individualization Cloud (Offline), Exclusive platform for the community, Profile